I have found that words are of much more importance than I did first realize throughout my life. It is the ability to use words as a form of communication that has allowed humans to do as we have done. Much of our civilization is based on language. Before spoken organized language I'm sure that all inter-human communication was much less specific, and thus, leaving humans to spend much energy attempting to express something that today takes a single word. With our ability to craft sounds together to form what we call words, all to transfer ideas and concepts that have no physical representation. Once this was capable humans started making words for things not having to do with survival and work, than they could express emotions, ideas, and even philosophies. With the capability to share the ideas, theories, and philosophies humans growth started to expand on all levels as we were forced to synthesize with each other even more. This synthesis is the reason our species is so successful. The strong do not survive, or else tigers and lone hunters would rule the world. No, the strong do naught but die in their fighting and their wars. Those who can work together, synthesize, only they grow strong and outlast all others. Language, I feel, is the main reason we have been able to achieve the unity we have.
I bring this up as many of the words I use have a very specific definition when I, specifically, use them. Meaning that if one is to truly understand the messages I wish to convey with these writings they must know the language I use which is very obscure and requires clarification to be made.
This is the list:
The All-All there is an is not. The sum total of all physical, non physical, potential and actual reality. All possibility and probability. All that may be possible without condition. God, Tao, Brahman, Alpha and Omega, All and Nothing.
The all-physical reality. All that modern science knows and can measure. All that the senses can possibly know.
The Self-The All in all. God in all. The Source of all. All, God, Tao...
The self-This is the physical self, the body, the ego, the id. All that pertains to physical existence, especially the psychological aspects such as the Salt(Id), and Mercury(Ego) or the Alchemists. Body and Spirit, but not Soul. This is what has been mistaken as Satan.
The Mind-The mind in which all exists. The One Mind that is All. The universe was neither made by intelligent design, as we know it, or random change occurrence. Cause and effect rule all. Mind is the ultimate cause of all.
The mind-The limited, but expandable, mind of self aware(conscious) beings. Connected to, but unaware of, the All Mind.
Awareness-Awareness is the most base thing in human existence. Based upon human observation we cannot say anything is the cause of awareness. One would obviously argue that our bodies, through evolution, produce awareness. This would be simply a misunderstanding of the term. Consciousness, as defined by myself as the awareness of awareness(I think, therefore I am), is the result of evolution and physical existence. One cannot be aware of oneself if one cannot perceive oneself. Sensory perception is the basis of consciousness, and physical existence and evolution are the basis of sensory perception. We may say, and know, that consciousness begins with birth, the senses being able to begin to discern and analyze. Once separation is made, consciousness may begin, but only in beings who have evolved to be able to see they are separate from other things, thus awareness of oneself begins. We can also say that consciousness ends with death, as the body ends its functions. But awareness cannot be known by us conscious beings before we are conscious, and we cannot say, as we were not aware of our selves, or our awareness, that our awareness began when we were born. While you sleep, dreamless or not, you are not conscious, but you are aware. Awareness never changes, never is effected by time or physical occurrence. The state of the body may change consciousness but it cannot change the state of awareness. Awareness, thus, is not effected by the death of the body, and therefore, must continue on in some way. This is the Soul, The All in all, the Self.
Consciousness-Awareness of awareness. Self awareness.