Sunday, November 29, 2015

Just some Keys.

Keys to life.

#1 Get over yourself.
#2 Everything ends, everyone dies. So why bother holding grudges and shit, that just eats you up for no worthy reason. Forgive, because nothing really matters.
#3 Don't stress, remember the last key, nothing really matters, so why stress yourself, just chill bruh.
#4 Think. Do it. It will only hurt your bias and your ignorance, things which should be sacrificed to the gods anyways.
#5 Know yourself. You aren't born knowing yourself, your teachers won't teach you how, and your parents most likely won't either, so don't assume you do. It takes work.
#6 Do what you want, but know your will. Do whatever you want to do, so long as you don't stop others from doing what they want to do or unless your harming others.
#7 Have no shame. Who's God? You's God. Let none shame you, for you are God. Be fearless.
#8 Communicate thoughtfully. We all have a different understanding of language, even if we speak the same one. Our experiences make words mean something different for everyone. What's the point in saying something only you understand?
#9 Don't assume. Question everything, trust Nothing, for Nothing, alone, will remain when all is gone. Don't assume negative is better than positive. That's perspective, not reality. Don't assume perspective is reality.  Don't assume you know something, you might not. Question everything incessantly.
#10 Regret not. If you regret, you're not learning from your mistakes.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Question. Question why you question. Question why you should question. Doubt. Doubt all that you know. Trust nothing that doesn’t resonate with you.

How will you know unless you find  foundation? How will you find the bedrock without digging.
What is your foundation, how do you know it is legitimate? Faith is useful, but with doubt and questioning, faith can bind with knowing into the creation of your universe.

If you do not question, your universe will not be yours, and neither will you. You will be a slave, to either men or the Archons, the forces which bind, enslave, and blind.
Destroy all you can, and only the eternal, the stable, the knowable will remain.

To know thyself is to unlearn all. Only once you have stripped away your self, your humanity, your person, will your essence remain, and you will know your true self, a god. 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Empathy, Objectivity, and Civilization.

The evolution of empathy in mammals is generally known as beginning with immediate family, going on to a larger family and eventually ethnicity. From there it it said to expand on to religion, which is in truth cosmological beliefs, than to the nation, one might call this civilized, or perhaps, moral beliefs. I believe it will continue to grow on to the whole of the human race itself, and beyond, as it has in many already, to all of mammals than on to all living things, and so on and so forth. The existing pattern which can be seen is making a line pointing at an obvious point, let those with ears, hear.

Objectivity comes into play in that it is, essentially, the minds ability to leave the Ego, the beliefs, judgments, ideals, morals, everything of the personality, and to experience something more. Those who care more about their beliefs and ideals are much less likely to be able to see the perspectives of others who differ than one who is less attached, or identified, with their personality. This lack of identification with the ego, or individualism, leads to a more objective, and in every case, empathetic, perspective.

Perspective is virtually an angle, a viewpoint, so to say, and if anyone else was at that viewpoint they would see the same thing. If you, the current reader, were born as Adolf Hitler, same genetics, same upbringing, same exact life experiences, you would do the same things and be the exact same person. The first thought would be that I am proposing that there is no free will, but, I do not. I mean to say that free will is limited by certain psychological factors, such as, and perhaps exclusively, bias.

In the human mind the lower parts, which are ridged and, by definition, selfish, seem to be able to "creep", as it were, into the higher parts and use its functions, such as intelligence, for its own purposes. The genius sociopath is the primary example of what I speak, but all is a spectrum, lines do not exist in reality, we all have the drives which lead to sociopath and, so to say, Evil(selfishness), and we all have the drives which lead to, lets call it, Christhood, or, Buddha, the Mind above mind, Pure Objectivity and Empathy.

I bring up Christ, whom I like to refer to by his real name, Yeshua, because his teachings, especially the behavior he proposes is best, seems to be right in line with a highly evolved empathetic mind. All religions speak of this Way, the Universal Way, some have claimed they were it, such as the Catholic(Universal) Church. I see it heading that way, but it certainly didn't start that way. All of human civilization, especially those most evolved ones, the ones which haven't changed for thousands of years, have these ideas, and those who hold closer to them, prosper and survive, well, they did until the Colonial Age.

Civilization is based, and rests firmly, in empathy, without which we would have chaotic and violent anarchy. Without Empathy, no one would cooperate and nothing civilized would get done. No one would feel the need to be polite, and fights would break out as no one would bother controlling themselves other than maybe to manipulate others. But Objectivity, because it follows along with, and might be the same as, Empathy, allows the minds of people to open and become aware of more subtle parts of reality, such as the depths of the mind, rather than its surface.

Just like the Titans or the Frost Giants in the mythologies of the Greeks and Norse, Anarchy was before, but, to it again we will return. I believe, through the evolution of empathy and objectivity, we will be responsible and caring enough to make the coming Chaos a peaceful one. In the Universe there is no Stillness, and no Disorder, but in Eternity, which existed before the Universe, it is Stillness and it is Chaos.

What was violent when it was young, will be peaceful when mature, but it cannot be free without freedom. Just as a child needs a womb and then parents till it is mature, so does Civilization need Government, at least as it currently exists, but it will grow up eventually. When it does, it will Unify, and that will be when Empathy and Objectivity have come to rule our Race, as opposed to the Passion and Bias(ignorance) which dominates half of it.