Hermetic philosophy is a branch of thought created in ancient Alexandria, around 300bc. At the time Alexander’s empire had stretched from India in the east, to Greece and Egypt to the west. Thinkers, philosophers, priests, monks, all kinds of learned questioners and seekers of truth gathered in the great libraries the city in known for and brought their knowledge, wisdom and understanding together to find a unified theory of all they knew. They synthesized their beliefs into a set of ideas and philosophies that encompassed all essential ideas of their religions. Calling it Hermeticism is not even realistic, as you will find these same philosophies in Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism, all mythologies, Hinduism, druidism…..it is know as the perennial philosophy to many. The branches of hermetic philosophy, and I am here referring to ideas of specifically the western versions, are Alchemy, astrology, and kaballah. One Egyptian science, one Mesopotamian science, and one Jewish science. And these are not mere sciences in the sense of simple left brained studies, but rather they are more like science-arts, in that to truly know them, you must go beyond simply study and experience them, meditate on them, understand every aspect of the archetypes and concepts and how they all interrelate and and correlate into a cohesive whole. And than there is the practice of these science arts, which the only true purpose of is to gain knowledge and understanding of your higher self, super ego, holy guardian angel…of as Karl Jung says, it is individuation. This blog will be about the ideas, theories, and concepts that make up the hermetic philosophy.
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